Killed: PaSTE's writeup in
drinking a quart of chocolate milk in under 5 seconds. He said it was theoretically impossible, then jabbered a bit about quantum singularities and pelvic thrusts. It wasn't near as funny as it sounds. Also deleted the nodeshell.
Killed: cantsin's writeup in
WALT DISNEY JR. GREETING. Babbled some crap about Mickey Mouse. Had nothing to do with the node, really.
Killed: VAXGeek's writeup in
2000 Server Advanced Windows. Gibberish. As far as I could tell, he wrote something up, then mixed the words around. So clever and yet so dead. Also zapped the nodeshell.
Glared angrily at: everything in
E2 Poll: What was your first computer game? Mine was Pong. Now quick: Does anyone give a damn? Couldn't bring myself to nuke 16,000 writeups, even without penalty.
On second thought, I nuked it myself. I used mercy, so none of you
48 contributors have to complain. Zapped the nodeshell, too.
Killed: Saige's writeup (with mercy) under
Saige is a stupid cunt and the nodeshell by DMan. Also
Sarcasmo and
icicle's writeups (without mercy -- y'all should know better) in
Fuck dannye, as well as the nodeshell by Sarcasmo. Any objections? I thought not.
A ching? Why the hell does this warrant a ching? Can't you guys look up some neat biography nodes to ching?