The Equisetaceae are a family of lower vascular plants—a catch-all group for plants which aren't monocots or dicots—comprised of the horsetails (aka scouring rushes, though they're not actually rushes). They have specialized vascular structures (xylem and phloem) which are decidedly more complicated than the simple hydroids of mosses, but they aren't included with the "higher" plants because they don't produce seeds.

There is only one genus in the family, Equisetum, but Equisetaceae are found globally except for the fine island continent of Australia and its neighbor, New Zealand. If you're a dinosaur buff, you'll know there was a period when giant horsetails dominated the plantscape, which is why you can find horsetails native to pretty much anywhere (though not all horsetails in an area are necessarily native, since there's been a lot of shuffling around since the dinosaurs). Today there are only about 15 species of horstails left.

One interesting bit of totally useful info about Equisetum is that it has a very high silicium content.
For some reason, this makes Equisetum ash a very mild abrasive (usually made into a thick paste with water) that can be used to polish delicate metals.

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