It's quite
bizarre in many ways that this is one of the most popular songs at
weddings - that many couples make a song that is about losing the love of someone else '
their song.
I doubt this will ever happen to the Wayriders cover version of this song. Everything from the menacing tone of the electric guitars to the way that the lyrics are forcefully thrown at the listener makes this song considerably less easy listening. When the line 'I'll be watching you' comes aroung, the listener is in little doubt of the truth of the fact, nor that he'll rest until he can once more prove that 'you belong to me'. Never have I had such conviction that the singer of the song feels for the words that they are singing (Sinead O'Connor's Nothing Compares 2U comes close) - and this time the emotion is not love, it is anger and hatred - he's going to be stalking her.