There is no more creative things you can do with an electric guitar. So many people have played it with so many creative bands that it's impossible to do anything original with a guitar. You do something, it's been done. I mean think about it...
No one's ever...

WTG Tom Dissonance! I'm officially humbled...Still working on the rest tho...

Ælien - most of your ideas were excellent, but as one of my specialities is pedantry, I have to say that natural harmonics and feedback were handled on Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music. There are no high-profile recorded incidents of drummer-bludgeoning uses of the guitar, though I must say it happened to me when I drummed for Chester punks the Wayriders. Damn you...

How about playing a new and interesting piece of music with it? That is, after all the primary function of a guitar, and your new and interesting piece of music would *not* be something that had been done before...

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