Ft. Huachuca is in Arizona. Huachuca means "Thunder Mountain", and is also the name of the nearby Huachuca Mountains. A US Army base, home to the 11th Signal Brigade. A lot of the Army's telecommunications get run through Ft. Huachuca. Ft. Huachuca is right next to Sierra Vista in Cochise County. In fact, it is most of the reason Sierra Vista exists.

Fort Huachuca, Arizona is also the US Army Intelligence Center. It is where most of the Military Intelligence personnel in all braches of the US Military recieve their initial training, after completing their Basic Training. The typical hangout for trainees on post is a club called the Ozone, which is reserved exclusively for the lower-ranking enlisted soldiers in training. An interesting fact about Fort Huachuca is that, due to its proximity to the Mexican border, and its high population of young soldiers, it is one of the few (if only) places in the United States where one can legally consume alcohol at the age of 18.

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