"Frank Frazetta's Dark Kingdom" is a 2008 comic book, written by Mark Kidwell, and illustrated by Tom Vigil, with its inspirtation coming from "Dark Kingdom", a 1976 painting by Frank Frazetta, the inventor of modern fantasy art. Basically, this comic book is an attempt to tell the story behind one of Frazetta's most famous paintings. It was published by Image Comics, who also published comics based on others of Frazetta's paintings.
The story has a framing device, where an old man and his grandson find the bones of "Red Morden", the charging, viking figure of the painting. The grandson asks his grandfather to tell him about Red Morden, and he learns the story. Morden was a savage but honorable warrior, with one flaw: claustrophobia. One time, while out raiding, he received a message from his wife, a seer, telling him to return home. When he did, he found that his village had been destroyed by a dragon. While the other viking warriors flee, Morden charges into the Dragon's nest. His deceased wife magically grants him her vision, helping him overcome his claustrophobia, so he descends into the dragon's den, and defeats it in combat. The end of the story teases more adventures to come, but that is the basic story: a warrior faces loss, and gets his revenge.
I have nothing against the story, which, if you like sword and sorcery, is a great adventure story. But I do find the concept a little odd: taking a painting that has a dramatic image, but where the viewer can imagine their own story of just why this muscular viking is charging into a cave, holding a battle axe, and turning it into a story with a linear (if fantastic) narrative. While a painting hints at a story, a painting is not a story, and putting a backstory behind a (then) 30 year old painting that was a masterpiece in its own right, damages the appeal of the painting, in my eyes.