Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a nonprofit education association of students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields. The Association has four divisions:
*FBLA for high school students
*FBLA Middle Level for junior high, middle and intermediate school students
*PBL for postsecondary students
*And the Professional Alumni Division for business people, educators and parents, who support the goals of the Association.
Personal Experience: Because of all the great things I've heard about this school-related-organization, I decided to join FBLA. After only attending a few sessions I got sick of it. The main reason why I joined FBLA was to show off some of my mad computer skills. I was able to do so at the districts contest, but I got mad at how easy and outdated the questions were, so I dropped out and didn't go to the state contest. I figured it to be a waste of 120 dollars to take a test that is no where near that of A+ certification. This organization is overly priced, and not to mention a lack of content and activities.