Gáivuotna is the sámi name for Kåfjord municipality in Troms county in Norway. As of January 1, 2003, 2,359 people lived on its 997 km2 of land. The population is expected to continue to shrink in the coming years, just like many other north Norwegian municipalities.

In Norwegian the full name of the municipality is Kåfjord kommune and in Sámi its correct name is Gáivuona suokhan. You are forgiven if you think this is a typo, but it isn't.

The municipality is named after the fjord that splits it in half and is the only in Troms with an official dual language status. According to the law, all official signs, public information and correspondence should be in both Sámi and Norwegian.

While Olderdalen is the smallest of the municipality's four towns, it is the administrative centre. The other three towns (or villages rather) are Djupvik, Birtavarre and Manndalen.

Agriculture, sea farms, fishing and sheep are what people make a living of in Gáivuotna/Kåfjord.

The annual Riddu Riddu sámi cultural festival is held in Manndalen, drawing artists of different ethnicities in from all over the world.

Atop the city hall in Olderdalen, the municipality have set up a web camera. If you want to take a look at the view towards Manndalen, it's available on http://www.kafjord.kommune.no/cparticle5461-1302b.html

vuo says: Gái - Kå; vuono or vuona is the Finnish root for fjord.

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