The Ghost Faced Killer aka Tony Starks is one ninth of the hip hop crew the Wu Tang Clan. He is also an occasional solo artist, having had two solo albums: Iron Man and Supreme Clientele. He often partners up with Wu-Tang Clan member Raekwon on these albums.
Ghost Face has a vary distinctive style, consisting in equal parts abstract (some would say nonsensical) rhyming and a characteristic whiny voice. When Ghost isn't rhyming abstractly, he often tells street tales, which alternate bravado with sentiment.
His rhyming style, like the rhyming styles of most rappers, is rooted in his life. While being a tough guy like many people with his background, he also has a fragile side, as he has both asthma and diabetes. He had two brothers who died of muscular dystrophy. In his song All I got is you, he talks about his love for his mother, who helped the family through the hard times.