Niflheim. The land of the
dead. This colourless place is the
Outer Plane of
Neutral Evil, home of the
yugoloths or
daemons. All colour fades here, leaving all things grey. The gods of the dead live here, hoarding souls until the end of time. This is the underside of the universe, the last resort of all. The layers are:
Oinos, the wasting plain.
Blood War battlefield and home to the
daemons' capital, Khin-Oin, a tower made from a forty-mile spinal cord ripped from a
dead god. Disease and decay rule all here.
Niflheim, the
Norse underworld. Here dwells
Hel, the death
goddess, and
Arawn, the
Celtic king of the dead.
Pluton, the
Greek underworld. This is where Hades holds court over the pale shades, guarded by
Cerberus, the
hound of Hades.