This is meant as a guide to those colored ribbons people pin to their lapels in protest, or to raise awareness, or whenever they just disagree with something. There are some interesting idealogical collisions which arise from the limited range of colors with which ribbons are commercially available.

Yellow Ribbon

Blue Ribbon

Light Blue Ribbon

Red Ribbon

Orange Ribbon

Pink Ribbon

Black Ribbon
  • Online Anarchist Black Ribbon Campaign
  • Campaing to connect New Zealand and reduce international data-transfer costs to ensure that all New Zealanders have access to the Internet at an affordable price.
  • For those embarrassed to call President Clinton their president. (maybe they can offer their ribbons to those embarrassed by GW Bush after the inauguration)

White Ribbon
  • Men working to end men's violence against women
  • Raising awareness about gay-teen suicide and remembering those who we've lost

Gray Ribbon
  • Campaign for open ICANN meetings
  • Greying with Grace "a ribbon runs through it" Awareness of elderly abuse, neglect and exploitation
  • Awareness of diabetes and its complications and need for a cure.

Silver Ribbon

Green Ribbon
  • The Green Ribbon Campaign for Responsibility in Free Speech (sponsored by a Christian literature publisher)
  • For freedom of innovation (innovation was misspelled "inovation" which might actually be innovation in spelling and letter conservation.)
  • respect and the protection of our environment, "Health & Wealth, Nature!"
  • For open adoption records
  • For higher levels of New Zealand content on the radio and television (presumably in New Zealand)
  • Anti-Yahoo Campaign
  • To spread awareness that normal people use the Internet and use computers

Mint Green Ribbon

Purple Ribbon

Fuschia Ribbon

Brown Ribbon
  • Internet brown ribbon campaign for free beer online

Glow in the Dark Ribbon
  • "a gateway to the truth about UFOs"

Rubber Ribbon

Polka Dot Ribbon
  • For the proper use of language on the Internet

Poly Ribbon (Blue, Red and Black)
  • PAARC, Polyamory Awareness and Acceptance Ribbon Campaign (Polyamory translates to "Many Loves", still sounds like polygamy to me)

ASCII Ribbon
  • Against gratuitous graphics on the internet
  • Symbol of solidarity for fASCIIsts and those supporting fASCIIsm

Sorry Ribbon (colors of the Aboriginal Flag (red, yellow and black) and the Torres Strait Islander Flag (blue, white and green))

"The Amazing Ribbon-O-Matic" website ( deserves special credit for acknowledging the potpurri of ribbons online and creating a system which allows everyone to make their own.

Definitions gathered from around the Web.
Red, White and Blue Ribbon
Red, White,Blue and Black Ribbon
  • Firemen (Red), Paramedics (White), Policemen (Blue) and The Fallen (Black). Another 9/11 memorial ribbon. (Thanks Mordel)
A few more ribbons ...

Yellow Ribbon Blue and White Checked Ribbon

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