At the time of writing, the lastest album from the Swedish pop group Kent. In addition to the Swedish version, an version tranlated to English was released. The tracks are:

  1. Kungen är död / The King Is Dead 4:17
  2. Revolt III / Revolt III 3:10
  3. Musik non stop / Music Non Stop 4:34
  4. Kevlarsjäl / Kevlar Soul 4:26
  5. Ett tidsfördriv att dö för / A Timekill to Die For (hidden track on limited edition version) 3:36
  6. Stoppa mig Juni (Lilla ego) / Stop Me June (Little Ego) 6:22
  7. En himmelsk drog / Heavenly Junkies 4:04
  8. Stanna hos mig / Stay With Me 3:57
  9. Cowboys / Cowboys 5:49
  10. Beskyddaren / Protection 4:46
  11. Berg&Dalvana / Rollercoaster 4:47
  12. Insekter / (no english version) 4:08
  13. Visslaren / Whistle Song 7:47
  14. (no swedish version) / Just Like Money

The music is sort of nice. However, imho the strongest point of the album is the cover art and liner notes. These are a series of photos of various typically swedish sceneries, and often quite pretty.

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