On Wednesday, the Adult Day Care Center closed early due to poor weather conditions. I dropped my husband off early despite icy rain already falling because I needed to get the $2000 tooth glued back in, which took 12 minutes and cost $29. I had hoped to workout, pay bills and organize my kitchen table which looks like the mailman emptied his entire pouch all around a vase of flowers that are dying.

As the rain changed to snow, I slowly limped around taking photos before heading downtown to pick up a few groceries and some wine. In this town, with the combination of holiday, schools closed, and a hint of snow, everyone goes berserkers. I won't go into the bizzare encounters, but was pleasantly surprised most of them were of a positive nature...with the exception of almost getting hit by a truck, as I slowly bent down to retrieve several of my sons' business cards that I had in my coat pocket from an event I went to last Sunday.

Arriving home with four or five bags, I got a call saying the Adult Day Care Center was closing at 2pm. Since it was 1:30 and the roads were really getting bad, I said I'd be right there. What usually takes 2 minutes took 15, and then there was four inches of icy slush to wade through. Should have worn boots! Ah well, picked up worried-looking husband who said he was afraid I was going to leave him there. "Not a chance, buddy boy! We're going home and relaxing."

He told me his whole day was different than usual, most of his friends didn't come, the music lady left early, but a mother and her little girl came and gave each of them a handmade Thanksgiving card. When we got home, he showed it to me. On bright yellow construction paper, folded in half longwise, the cover said: Happy Thanksgiving To all and for one! (the exclamation point had a heart instead of a dot) Thanksgiving started out large, but to fit it on one line, the girl wrote the letters smaller and smaller.

Opening the card, revealed the following: Happy Thanksgiving I hope you love Thanksgiving because I do. Let me tell you what Thanksgiving is all about it is a day were(sic) your family comes together and say what they are thankful for and I am thankful for alot of things like family and turkey. So write back what you are thankful for. from Jaclyn Marie H.

And that is how Thanksgiving started this year, with an unexpected note from an unknown little girl, who also drew a lopsided heart on the back, covering the whole space.

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