A common thread of student discussions on the honor code crops up in a letter to the editor of the Muddraker in 1980. In this letter, "A disgusted HMC'er" writes that he is disillusioned, wondering if "anybody still care[s] about the so-called 'honor code.'" He then goes on to mention a listing of honor code violations that "occur daily." He ends his letter by calling to the next year's ASHMC council to set a better example.

This kind of complaint is easy to find in the historical record; in most cases if students are discussing the Honor Code, a "bitter senior" will pipe in saying that the Honor Code is falling to pieces.


In the Forum page of the Muddraker, on March 4, 1982, there is an editorial from a student written about the Honor Code. In this editorial, he refers to the Honor Code as "the most important part of the Mudd experience." It is clear that this student believes in the Honor Code, and is urging others to believe in the Honor Code as well. He concludes his editorial with by writing, "Honor is not something you are born with, it is something you earn."

This editorial happened amidst the discussions of room searches and the honor code resulting from the acetylene bomb incident. The Muddraker articles appearing at this time tended to be very pro-Honor Code. Even when the Honor Code is under attack, as it was at this time, there are always some students that believe in it, and defend it.


In the early years of the Disciplinary Board, there was widespread confusion as to which board was supposed to hear what kinds of cases. In an editorial about the Disciplinary Code, the DB Chair wrote that students should confront others who are breaking the rules and performing pranks that destroy others' property.

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