The Holy Jurema Wine, or simply Jurema wine, is a brew made of the roots of the South American plant Mimosa hostilis (Black Jurema) or Mimosa verrucosa (White Jurema). The plant is quite similar to the very common sensitive plant, Mimosa pudica.

It has been used by the natives of the Amazon Forest and Northeast of Brazil in their religious and war-related rituals, since it contains large quantities of the hallucinogen N-N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT).

DMT becomes orally active when consummated with a Monoamine Oxidase inhibitor (MAOi). The natural source of MAOi used in the preparation of Jurema Wine normally is a native kind of passion fruit (Passiflora sp) called maracujaí. Another form of consumption is to smoke the roots of the plant; in this case, there's no need of a MAOi since the DMT is absorbed directly in the lungs.

Jurema wine is widely used in Brazil in the divinatory rituals of the umbanda, an African Brazilian religion that associates the psychedelic effects of the DMT to the connection with spirits and magical entities. Specifically, the name "Jurema" is also given to the spirit of a female Native Brazilian, considered a deity of the forests and waters.

The culture of Mimosa hostilis and Mimosa verrucosa is legal in Brazil, but since the techniques for making Jurema wine are not widespread their use for hallucinogenic purposes is restricted to specific groups, as those associated to the Santo Daime, the Doctrine of Saint Mary (Marijuana for the Virgin Mary) and the already cited umbanda and candomblé (which have many similarities with the santeria).

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