HoneyCrisp is a variety of apples developed at the University of Minnesota. Although the original cross between Macoun and Honeygold apples was performed in 1962, it wasn't until recently (around 1998) that these apples became known.

The skin can turn very bright red blushed over a yellow/green background, with small lenticels (whitish dots) around the fruit. They tend to be rather large for apples.

They are noted for being, as the name implies, quite sweet and crisp, but they are also extremely juicy.

In Minnesota, HoneyCrisp harvest starts around mid-September and continues almost until mid-October. They keep very well, but are quite susceptible to bruising.

Due to the newness of the breed, there are relatively few mature Honeycrisp trees. That lack of supply, combined with their abundance of good qualities, leads to a higher price for Honeycrisp than most apples. Thousands of Honeycrisp trees have been planted in the last few years, so the supply should be increasing soon.

The author considers honeycrisp to be almost more drink than food: They tend to be acidic, which means that when eaten on an empty stomach, they leave you with a hungry feeling. As I said above, they are very juicy, and are a great natural thirst-quencher. Unlike many tasty drinks, the Honeycrisp container is 100% biodegradable.

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