The fastest way to chug a beer is with a bendy straw. Place the straw in the neck of the beer bottle and bend the tip around so that it points at the base. This way when you drink air will flow in the straw and allow the beer to flow out uninterrupted.

If you can conceal the straw you are that much more impressive to your spectators.

"But achan, what about cans?"
You don't really drink beer in cans do you?
While I don't normally drink beer from aluminium, and I'm not really a fan of skulling beer, there is a fine Australian technique I feel it is my duty to impart at this juncture.

If all you have is a tinny and a sharp object, carefully use the sharp object to pierce the bottom of the can.
Tilt your head back and hold the inverted can above your mouth.
Open the can and suck it down.

Try doing that thirty times after a bottle of cheap ouzo and surviving ......

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