(No relation with the Time Cube)

Make your own picture cube tchotchke! For this you will need to gather eight identical cubes and tape them together in a particular fashion. Form a larger 2x2x2 cube made by stacking two layers of 4 cubes. The diagram below is the 'flattened' cube that shows all surfaces, and a 3D projection to visualize it better.

        |   #   |
        |_______| back
        |   |   | 
|   #   |   |   |   #   | 
|_______| # | # |_______| left/top/right
|   #   | # | # |   #   |
|_______|___|___|_______|        ________
        |   |   |               /   /   /|
        |___|___| front        /###/###/ |
        |   #   |             /###/###/|#|
      _ |_______| _          /___/___/ |#| 
        |   |   |            |   |   |#| |
        |___|___| bottom     |___|___|#|/
        |   |   |            |  ###  | /
        |___|___|            |__###__|/
The # indicate the cube edges which should be fastened together with tape to form the eight hinges. The taping pattern is symmetrical and looks the same from the front or the back.

You can now start gluing pictures on the outside of your cube, then use an X-acto to cut the picture where the vertices aren't taped, unfold your cube and glue more pictures on the remaining surfaces.

There are 48 total faces on all the cubes which can be combined in the following combinations:
Six outer edges on a 2x2x2 cube + Six outer edges on a 2x2x2 cube
Six outer edges of the 2x2x2 cube + Three 4x2x1 flattened
Six 4x2x1 flattened
The 4x1x1 flattened sides could also be used.

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