Ever have a dream that seemed so real, you couldn't tell the difference between it and real life? Lately, that is the way reality seems to me.

I'm driving down the road, and suddenly I think, "This could be a dream...". But it's not. Or at least, I don't think it is. So why don't I just swerve into oncoming traffic and find out? Am I really awake? I'd never know until it's too late.

Sometimes everything seems to go wrong all at once, and I think, "This has to be a dream." But it's not. Or at least I don't think it is. People crowding in a line all the way out the door, all needing my attention, yelling to be heard over the noise of others already well into their own complaints. So why don't I just quit my job and walk out right then? Am I really awake? I'd never know until it's too late.

My mother tells me my grandpa just died. I think, "No! This is just a dream!" But it's not. At least I don't think it is. I see his body in the coffin, hold his cold, stiff hand that will never deal a deck of cards again. Should I scream that this isn't happening? That my grandpa is still alive, that the chemotherapy was working, dammit! He was fine yesterday. But am I really awake? I'd never know until it's too late.

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