Near Matches
Ignore Exact
I do not like the sky night or day and keep my eyes on the yellow lines heading under the car
Far off approaching
Dressed, out the door, dreaming
Dreaming under a steady rain of nicotine
The sort who hides away
Over the high-rise of this city we kissed, over the high-rise of this city we jumped to our deaths
I waited under your streetlight like a hoodlum; like a moth
I don't shiver because I'm cold. I shiver because you are.
An incredibly stupid reason why I got called into the school counselor's office
infinity isn't anything until you are among the stars searching for something you lost
I guess that I am the one who has changed
New York City: What Nonna told me on Thursday
Amid the Midwest, they wait
Reaching for the stars
just keep your eyes open
yesterday i walked for two and a half hours and was baptized in the spirit
After Mistaking the Motel 6 Sign for the Moon Behind the Maple Trees
July 11, 2013
May 16, 2009
The High King of Ireland
The Fumes
She's found the hole in reality. She knows its depth.
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