She asks me, do I remember?

Hit replay
close my eyes and remember the day:
every taste, every sound: all of it

Swirls of hair, of hands, of you
think whirlpool, pulling us into each other

She asks me, do I remember?

I remember the first smile, the first fingertip
Did we breathe? Did we even inhale?

Do I remember the first kiss?
No, there is no need to recall
what you think about every day.

I have been thinking
about kissing. a lot.
about kissing. you.
not past kissing. future.
tomorrow. today.

I have been thinking
about kissing. your back.
the length of your spine.
to the nape.
the inside of your wrist.
just below your navel.
the back of your knees.

I have been thinking
of pressing lips. to your temple.
behind your ear. in your hair.
the corner of your mouth.
the tip of your nose.
underneath your chin.
inside your thigh.
the pulse of your throat.

I have been thinking
about kissing. a lot.
about kissing. you.
only you.
today. tomorrow.
right now.

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