Near Matches
Ignore Exact
I really came to understand that they were just real people who wanted to live real lives and be treated equally as opposed to, for example, wanting to destroy us.
You to me are treasure. You to me are dear.
Manic Pixie Dream Girl
dreams that come sporadically in the night like Viking longships to burn you to the ground and steal your rationality
In Which Minerva McGonagall Remembers Some Very Bad Days
some people touch it, but they can't hold on
a meditation toward the union of science and religion
they tell you to be your true self. to never give up on who you are. they don't know who i am.
i have the patience of a lake
i wish i felt like teaching today, but i just want to be selfish
November 6, 2018
They devour the frayed edges of the world, and all we hear is chitinous clicking from the darkness
The unchoreographed movements of close friends in a small room
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
Winning the War on Terror: Some Notes for Muslims
Stars in Battledress
Far Away
Yellow peril
Until today, it really pissed me off that I'd become this totally centered Zen Master and nobody had noticed
Get used to it
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