The Roman numeral for 2. Usually denotes a sequel when used at the end of the name of a creative work like a book, movie or video game. When applied to a person's name, it means that an ancestor not their father had the same name; had that been the case, the term Junior would be more appropriate.

Japanese word corresponding to the English adjective "good". It also has the advantage of being one of the shortest adjectives I've ever heard of. As in every other language, it is part of a large number of idioms.

Ano konpyuuta wa ii desu yo.
That is a good computer.

More often, ii is used in the sense of "okay", "fine", "acceptable":

Ii desu ka.
Is that okay?


Ii is never conjugated into the past tense; it actually doesn't have one. Yokatta, the past tense of the adjective yoi, is used instead:

Kono konpyuuta wa yokatta desu.
This was a good computer (before I spilled coffee into the vent).

"Yokatta desu" is an idiom for "thank goodness" or some other expression of gratitude that something turned out a certain way.

"Mo ii (desu)" means "that's enough" or "enough already".

Ii is not usually used when inquiring about a person's health or specific attributes of people or things. For the former case, daijoobu or o-genki is preferred. When verifying the acceptability of something to a superior or stranger, it is more polite to use "ikaga desu ka" instead of "ii desu ka".

Written (ii), no kanji.

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