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Iris Murdoch is dead. Hold my hand. It's your turn now.
The perfect woman
I will marry only he who defeats me in battle
Iris Murdoch
Susan Goldman, who has cervical cancer, is partly thankful as she braces herself but changes her mind as she's sprayed with burning jet fuel.
It was crippled, it was heart-felt. The latter invariably trumps the former
Love and justifications
What is this beautiful, beautiful woman settling for?
you can lower your standards, or your pants, but you can't make them love you
Think of something you always wanted to do, but are afraid of. Do it today.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
My Better Half
She was a committed romantic and an anarcha-feminist. This was hard for her because it meant she couldn't blow up beautiful buildings.
Pale sickly white girl, why you no love me?
How to seem dumber than you really are
My Angst Ate my Suffering in a Void of Meaningless Existential Nihilistic Self-Oppression: An Poem
while she sleeps, i write myself into her life
She favors black bras
We exist in a world of pure communication, where looks don't matter and only the best writers get laid
She is so beautiful, I gave up Nihilism for her
Pleasures of the Flesh -- A tale told between blackouts
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It may seem cruel, this joy I take
Pro-anorexia websites, Dominique Francon
Paperback: used. Condition: tear-stained.
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