It's six o'clock server time.

"Oh no....
They all have their votes back!", you exclaim to yourself...

A freshly written writeup is almost complete. A bit of humor this time. An old joke you heard once..
So what do you do?

Are you feeling lucky?
Well do ya?
Going to throw your node into the ring?
"I hope 20 people haven't had a bad night...
Please don't crush my node...", you pray hopefully

"Wait!", you exclaim, "I can hide it from the new writeups.."
No, you can't do that. You know that's not right. Thats a coward's avenue...

With a heavy sigh, your mouse trembles over the idea button. You say a quick prayer to yourself.
"Go on node, it will be okay. I'll check up on you from time to time..."
And with a defiant click of the mouse, "Idea!" you send it off.

Then it begins. The waiting. The regrets.
"Maybe i should have taken that part out."
"That really wasn't funny after all"
"There's probably a -10 and a nuke request waiting for it already..."

"I've got to check. They all just got their votes. Someone's got an itchy downvote trigger, i just know it..."
With that you sign on...
You go to your profile...
You check on your nodes...

It's six am server time, do you know where your node is?

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