- Everything always comes back to me. Everything has always been my fault
- Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia
- we're all ready to break. has it always been like this?
- sex has always been a marketing strategy
- The End Of The Way It's Always Been
- A book has always been my best friend
- The way things have always been done
- You haven't seen it and you don't understand. I have malice. I have cruelty. The little fire that's always been inside me isn't so little anymore.
- ______ is considered a potential weapon because of its threatening nature and quick deployment and therefore has been made illegal
- Attention has been paid
- To One who has been Long in City Pent
- Lesbian Robot Vampires : Oh No, Mr. Spooner Has Been Poisoned
- It has been claimed that some or all of this article or section is incoherent and not understandable, and should possibly be reworded if the intended meaning can be determined
- as she suddenly realizes that the Heart that she has been praying to did not send somebody... but is, instead, here.
- a secret cabal of squirrels has been slowly terraforming the world behind our backs
- How to find something which has been lost
- My life has suddenly been decided for me
- Has Been
- Your IP address has been logged.
- The ceiling of innovation has been reached
- Every new technology has been endowed with the potential to transform society
- Choosing bitterness is taking the easy way out. It's so easy to feel bitter when you've been hurt. Path of least resistence. Forgiveness is a path that goes in a very different direction.
- There has to be a better way to make human beings
- Evolution has never been observed
- I have always been burning
- My one regret as of yet is that my life has been utterly tolerable
- jealousy, which has been a sort of game you played with yourself, now grips you relentlessly.
- Your request for no MSG has been denied
- Communication is a good thing, this has been shown
- Misery always has an Audience
- This has not been an easy year.
- Western Civilization has been dead for the last 60 years
- Everything that can be invented has been invented
- my mind has long been gnawed by the cankering tooth of mystery
- It has not been a wonderful day
- WARNING: Long term exposure to women has been known to cause bitterness and alcoholism during laboratory tests
- Sorry. Position has been filled.
- This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA
- By the way, she has a penis; just so you know.
- someone has been out crying on my lawn again
- StuartO))) has his head up his ass and could not write his way out of a wet paper sack
- A woman has 30 ways of laughing, but only 1 way in which she cries.
- Oh well, I guess I'll have to stain the world with darkness until my bloodlust has been quenched.
- my experience with wishes has not been very positive
- Ku, Work on What Has Been Spoiled (Decay)
- This exact place where we laughed so much and the way you said my name will echo always in my brain
- Do not be surprised, I have always been your canvas, Argenis.
- Shuddering like ice has been dumped down your pants
- She always was all tea and oranges that came all the way from China
- The Piano Has Been Drinking
- I don't have a postmodern condition; I've always been like this
- The light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off.
- the hottest it has ever been
- The ringing has been drowned out by voices
- My dog has been stolen
- Your computer has been cracked
- Nobody wins the game of who has been hurt more
- The most comfortable position to assume after one has been kicked in the junk
- Few things ruin a romantic evening like finding your car has been towed
- It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.
- Your success in life has been predetermined from birth
- Meanwhile, the PILOT, who has been laughing hysterically through the entire sequence, finally loses it. He falls out of his chair and bangs his head against the panel, causing the ship to lose control and crash into a nearby planet
- The Honor Roll has been retired (document)
- No one has ever been bitten to death by a poisonous snake in a ball pit
- Proximity Martini
- We're sorry to inform you: Tony Orlando has been postponed
- An American Testament has been written, and our Ten Commandments are as follows
- How to check if someone has been through it all
- Much has been done, and much remains to be done
- Oceania has never been at war
- How interesting facts and theories are discredited
- I've always been a bit of a joker
- The lust of years has been fulfilled
- The sound of children screaming has been removed
- A cat has many ways to enter
- Ok, this whole Mr. T thing has gone WAY too fucking far
- unfortunately, his entire corpus was composed in English, and so has been lost to the ravages of time
- The weight has been lifted
- For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, please press three
- Irony has a way of pulling a chokehold
- Our desire to remember has been fragmented into a thousand slices
- How to check if someone has been to the mall
- We Have Always Been The Party Of No
- One should always play fairly when one has the winning cards
- Who is the third who walks always beside you?
- Alway
- I always assume innocence
- I think I know that I am almost always afraid.
- It's always night-time on the moon
- Men did not always like large breasts
- You always hurt the one you love
- It's always a pleasure to elevate a bad mood to an abstract principle
- Why is there always money for war, but not for education?
- It's hard to know what to say when a friend's parent they always hated suddenly dies
- The door is always open
- Always the bridesmaid and never the bride
- They always jump off the east side
- Always standing on the edge, you forced me in heart first
- I Will Wait For You Always
- The movies always get it wrong
- I always wanted to get married one day
- I am capable of poetic language, but not always of poetry
- There's always a catch!
- I Had Always Known
- You don't always have to disagree, or agree for that matter
- When visiting a city, always use its public transportation
- Always manipulate a tongue
- Cheese is always female
- The boss' machine is always the one to die first.
- Salvation doesn't always come from a Bible
- It's always for those damn children
- Once JPEG, always JPEG
- Two bronze medals will always besmirch Marion Jones' record
- The Thief of Always
- I always loved the smell of dying candles
- The always charming US Customs Guards at the American/Canadian Border
- I feel like shit today, but I can always feel worse tomorrow
- The Road Always Taken
- Why oh why did the black crayon always die first?
- When left long enough, students will always discuss cartoons they watched as kids
- Life isn't always precious
- Always have a backup
- the first time always sucks
- Thus Always To Tyrants
- I can always hope
- Think of something you always wanted to do, but are afraid of. Do it today.
- Why you should always finish a course of antibiotics
- The shirt that always gets me hit on
- Human eye, capable of perception but always subject to biased inhibitions
- Always on My Mind
- Last year was always better
- Why is it that the alien mortal enemies of humanity always have some fatal flaw?
- letter-writing is always before an absent addressee
- first impressions don't always count
- The majority is always wrong
- It Will Always Be Here For You
- You always lose
- Politeness is always in order
- What almost always happens after you fall in love
- The Postman Always Rings Twice
- those who don't fit into the herd are always recognized
- In the real world, it is almost always women and not men who are waiting under windows
- We have always lived in the castle, Shirley
- You always spend a dollar as if you were spending a wounded eagle
- How Eulenspiegel always rode a dun horse
- It always smells good after the rain. It's raining hard now.
- It Could Always Be Worse
- I will always remember my 19th birthday
- I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library
- Popular wisdom to the contrary, it's not always the right time for sushi
- The dream is always the same...
- The rain wasn't always kind
- I remember, I always will
- She was never mine. I always shared her.
- It is important go out for a late walk in the new snow
- an honest man is always in trouble
- The poor are always with us
- Always accept an offered drink
- literature is a child of experience always, of knowledge never
- too bright to squander your mind that way
- Genetics: Not Always a Hollywood Ending
- Don't go, don't change, stop always being the same.
- In Passing, Always Remembered
- our best kisses are always at earthquakes and impacts
- I Always Knew I Would Fall in Love with a Blue-Eyed Girl
- The Always Anonymous Beast
- The kids round here look just like shadows, always quiet, holding hands
- I will always be in the details
- The first one's always free
- I learned never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.
- Always Falling Down
- I have always considered warnings to be a kind of dare
- always in love (user)
- The Great Needle in the Sky is always skipping at the corner of 6th and Delores
- Why is it that the voice that you don't want to hear always seems the loudest?
- I always liked the breasts that talked about existentialism.
- I didn't ask if the glass was half full or half empty. I've always had enough to drink.
- With him it was always like
- Gravity Always Wins
- It's always showtime, here at the edge of the stage
- It's always lunchtime, here in the land of the dead
- the best things in life cost large amounts, and the currency isn't always money
- In the war between information and poetry, poetry always wins.
- I've always wanted to hear Morrissey sing the theme song from "The Love Boat"
- always already
- life always kills (user)
- always writing poems to you
- I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me
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