James (Grover) Thurber 1894-1961
Brilliant humorous author and cartoonist, perhaps best known for his cartoons in The New Yorker.
Some quotes:
It is better to have loafed and lost, than never to have loafed at all.
It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all the answers.
Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.
You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.
His books:
Is Sex Necessary? or Why You Feel the Way You Do,
by Thurber and E.B. White, 1929
The Owl in the Attic and Other Perplexities. 1931
The Seal in the Bedroom & Other Predicaments. 1950
My Life and Hard Times. 1933
The Middle-Aged Man on the Flying Trapeze. 1935
Let Your Mind Alone! and Other More or Less Inspirational Pieces. 1960
The Last Flower: A Parable in Pictures. 1939
Fables For Our Time, and Famous Poems Illustrated. 1940
Further Fables For Our Time. 1956
My World - and Welcome to It. 1942
Thurber's Men, Women and Dogs. 1943
The Thurber Carnival. 1945
The White Deer. 1945
The Beast in Me and Other Animals: A Collection of Pieces and Drawings About Human Beings and Less Alarming Creatures. 1948
The 13 Clocks. 1950
The Thurber Album; A New Collection of Pieces About People. 1952
Thurber Country: A New Collection of Pieces About Males and Females, Mainly of Our Own Species. 1953
Thurber's Dogs: A Collection of the Master's Dogs, Written and Drawn, Real and Imaginary, Living and Long Ago. 1955
The Wonderful O. 1957
Alarms and Diversions. 1958
The Years with Ross. 1959
Lanterns & Lances. 1961
The Shore and the Sea.
Books published after his death:
Credos and Curios. 1962
92 Stories. 1985
Tales of the Diamond : Selected Gems of Baseball Fiction. Edited by Laurence J. Hyman and Laura Thorpe (Contains "You Can Look It Up" by Thurber) 1995