I am awake in this "early" hour to go to the dentist. I have no idea why I agreed to an 8am appointment. I can only plead temporary insanity. I think I'll go, then come back home and sleep until noon or something. Ugh.
I have a few other things to do as well today. Pay bills and get my dad a present for his birthday. BBL.
The dentist says I have 9 cavities, in addition to the 2 that he filled this morning. It's interesting how the technology has come along. They can fill your cavities with a substance which doesn't require as much tooth to be drilled out, and it sets in like 20 seconds using some sort of bright light source (uv?). The filling is white-colored to match the average color of your teeth. He did both fillings in about 10 minutes. I got to see a before and after picture using some sort of miniature camera and it was remarkable what could be done in such a short time. I almost can't wait to go back and get the rest of them done :)
I got some stuff done at work today. HP-UX is not my friend. I had a hard time getting it to do anything I wanted.. I suppose I'm just not used to it could be a reason for disliking it, but I don't know how anyone could get used to that OS.
TC hung around after work and we talked a bit. I was stuck there until 7pm (as I suppose I am now every day). We talked about my recent relationship and how things turned out. I mentioned how I need to get out there and do things so that I have more social experience. She suggested that I get out and travel around the country and/or the world. I tended to agree; I need to actually use my vacation time this year rather than just watch it get thrown away like the two weeks I lost in November.
When I got home, I mentioned on IRC that I'm considering doing some travel sometime. A very good online friend who has helped me with my recent relationship offered to let me stay over at her house while on my trip. I'm a bit nervous about it, since I've never met someone from IRC before, and being how I am still a bit shy around females this could be somewhat awkward for me. She's been through a lot and is willing to be very open with me and to teach me a few things while I'm there. I'm not used to someone being so nice to me.
I'm going to do some serious thinking about this. If I take this trip, it is most certianly going to be a significant lifetime experience.