Kesper North pinged me to tell me that I have been namechecked by
Wired - which probably makes me 'Tired' immediately. But the 'Danger Room' blog (Wired's defense blog) has deemed me a 'naval
pundit.' Wooohooo! I have achieved false relevance!
On a more serious note, there's a lot of you smart people here. Some of you care about the Navy and defense policy (I know, because I've talked to you). Come over to Information Dissemination (see my homenode for details) and snipe at me from the comments. You know you want to. Leave E2 links in your wake.
On a more somber note yet, I just discovered that a cruise ship I have faint but fond memories of from when I was a mere tot, taken on a Windjammer cruise by my parents, sank in 1998 during Hurricane Mitch. 30 crew were lost. That...just sucks. I know it's trite, but I dunno what else to say. It's weird knowing that that small piece of my early memories now has a definite end - and that my memories are all I'll ever see of that ship.