The following mix of JavaScript & HTML allows one to calculate the speed required to escape from the surface of any planet or meteorite in space against the force of gravity. Type in the mass of the planet in kg. Type in the diameter of the planet.

	<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
	<meta NAME="Author" CONTENT="M.H.Fischer">
	<meta NAME="Description" CONTENT="Phobos v2">
<title>escapespeed - v2</title>
<body bgcolor=	"#000000" text=	"#ffffff" >
<form 	name="Test">
<h2>Escape from gravity of eg.mars moon PHOBOS - v2</h2>
		squareroot mass M in kg (
		<input name="mass" value="11000000000000000">
		gravity 2G (2*6,67*10e-11) 
		<input name="G" value="0.0000000008602324614">
		diameter d in meters m
		<input name="r" value="23000">
		<input 	type=button 
		value=" = calculate = " 
		<input name="v2"> m/s 

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