Wait! A Jesuit school is not automatically also a conservative school. Jesuit education is actually the most liberal of all the branches of Catholic education that I personally have encountered. The religion classes are open and honest, and the other classes have little or nothing religious in them. Since Jesuit schools are private and religiously-sponsored, your teachers or professors are allowed to talk about religion a lot more freely than those at public schools. However, with rare exception, no one tries to ram anything down your throat. They seem to figure that you are there to get what you can out of school, and they are there to give you as much knowledge as they can impart. Well and good. But teachers and professors do not change their courses to make them more Catholic, or to make you more Catholic. To this end, you are given more complete information about the Catholic faith (and various things related to it) at a Jesuit school than you would be given at most other Catholic schools.

Let me explain. In religion classes (and really any classes), you will get a full, unbiased picture of the subject of said class. For example, while I was at my undergraduate university, John Carroll, I took a Jesuit history course in which I found that the Jesuits have done many, many appalling things over the course of time. No one shied away from this information; it was put straight out for the students to analyze for themselves. See, in the Jesuit philosophy of education, knowledge is king. Jesuits will give you all the information they have on any given subject, such that you can conclude things for yourself. This especially includes religious information; they recognize that forced faith is not faith at all.

In this vein, you will find that Jesuit brothers who are teaching classes other than religion --science, math, history, whatever -- will not try to put any sort of Catholic spin on the information they teach. They will present all the evidence they have, and then let you analyze it yourself. If you come to a different conclusion than is generally accepted, they will try to question you on it, certainly. If your conclusion is wrong, they will do their best to make you see why it is wrong. But they also recognize that you need to be able to draw your own conclusions on any number of things in order to operate well as an adult. To this end, they are far more concerned with students knowing as much information as possible, and having the skills to use that information, than about students agreeing with their opinions and the opinions of the church.

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