Hey you,
let's play a game
it's a fast one
with blinking lights on it
to push the buttons real fast
with scoring-
to see Who's better!

Hey you,
don't be afraid
grab your parents
and go and get one
remember the extra batteries
so you can play when they are fast asleep,
hit mute & you won't wake them.

(answering the Nodeshell challenge!)

Opening shot: The screen of a TV set. Two people are playing Pong, and we can clearly hear that famous "beep . . . beep" of the ball hitting the paddles. From off camera we can hear two voices. During the ensuing conversation, the camera slowly pulls back, revealing John Lennon and Paul McCartney playing the game.

John: I guess it's got a bit of a beat, but cha can hardly dance to it . . .

Paul: Does everything have to be about music to you?

John: I'm just saying that I think we could get something out of this. You know, (beep) strawberry fields (beep) nothing is real . . .

Paul: (laughing) Alright, you're totally out of your jug.

John: I'm serious. We could do something with this.

Pause as the two continue to play. The shot now shows both of their backs, but is still slightly out of focus overall.

Paul: (beep) And nothing to get hung about (beep) . . . Okay, maybe you're onto something. Should we tell George and Ringo?

Title cue: Pong.
Title cue: Beep . . . Beep.

(John and Paul, circa 1975, talking to camera)

John: What's this all about? Something wrong with your picture tube?

Paul: No, it's called Pong.

John: I can't smell anything.

Paul: Not that sort of pong - it's Electronic Tennis.

John: In that case, hand me my electronic racket.

Paul: You'd know all about electronic rackets.

John: Very funny. Now gizza go...

(Together, singing)

Pong, Pong, Pong
Pong, Pong, Pong

It's a game with thrills galore
Avoid missing ball for high score
Just grab a paddle and play along with me
It's easy

All you need is Pong
All you need is Pong
All you need is Pong, Pong
Pong is all you need

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