I am just watching
CNN break into its regular programming to cover the press
conference about
Senator John McCain’s successful surgery to remove his
I am wondering about his health insurance. As a member of Congress, and a
veteran, of course, he is completely covered. And this is a previously existing
condition, too.
I am thinking about those whose health insurance does not cover previously
existing conditions, or the 30 to 40 million who have no health
insurance, at all!
Everyone in Canada is covered, and are
covered for pre-existing conditions. Maybe there is no point to insuring that all
people have the same access to health care as members of Congress do, or as all
Canadians do. Maybe it harms their moral fibre to give them something they
haven’t worked for.
Why is there so much controversy about this? Why is single payer so evil?
Isn’t the way things are evil?
Let's see now. Cancer care, because it is so expenxive, shouldn't be convered by a national medical insurance--so if you're poor, you die a horrible death.
Not to mention the fact, the bulk of chemicals used in chemotherapy today were invedted/discovered by the National Institutes of Health, and turned over to the private sector, free of charge, because the philosophy governing the U.S. Government is,
Let the taxpaper take the risk; let the private sector reap the rewards!
My point remains: If you really want an economy to work, then you can't afford to waste anyone, certainly not 40 million people.
P.S. After years and years of budget cuts, to a system that is much less expensive, per person, the the American system (single payer has far less inflation than Multiple-payer private sector) is cut through the bone. Only ideologues, who have little reality, call for further cuts--unless their ideology cannot admit, in the face of all logic, evidence, and simple common sense, that single payer is better.
O, DMan, I thought you had quit. Gotta stomp down on a country you haven't been in since when...?