Near Matches
Ignore Exact
Just give him the damned fish
play dumb
If you're allowed one phone call at a police station why not one URL instead
Ross Perot
The problem with people who think life is inexpressibly beautiful is that they so often try to express it anyway
A simple expression of rage and frustration
Having an S on a transcript rather than a B
Give a man a fish
People who think they have to double-click everything
Finishing Myst in under 10 minutes
cat haters
coping with writer's block
No matter how wise an old sheep, he can't teach a fish how to polevault
Dogs are for wimps who don't have the guts to bite people themselves
When people ask "Where are you from?" I have to think for a minute
Thinking you know more about computers than the tech you just called
What do girls think about guys who think about what other people think about girls and what they do?
The Spring Pond Beavers
Three people who are spies and a horse who will also be a spy
People with suntans don't look healthy, they look ignorant
Dead people I have known
How to entertain unwashed masses on little or no money
Linux for Windows Users
Are all male catlovers gay?
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