This scale was developed by Dr. Alfred Kinsey and his associates in the late '40s and early '50s. These results were supported in studies conducted by Masters and Johnson and other sex researchers, though some more recent studies have reported lower rates nationally, with higher rates in urban areas. These studies collectively indicate there is a broad spectrum of sexual orientations - not just heterosexual and homosexual. Instead of looking a sexual orientation as an either-or condition, Kinsey developed a seven point continuum based on the degree of sexual responsiveness people have to the members of the same and other sex.

  0 - exclusively heterosexual
  1 - predominantly heterosexual, incidentally homosexual
  2 - predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
  3 - equally heterosexual and homosexual
  4 - predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
  5 - predominantly homosexual, incidentally heterosexual
  6 - exclusively homosexual
  7 - asexual

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