The Judgement
Work on What Has Been Spoiled Has supreme success. It furthers one to cross the great water. Before the starting point, three days. After the starting point, three days.

The Image
The wind blows low on the mountain: The image of Decay. Thus the superior man stirs up the people And strengthens their spirit.

The lines:
Six at the bottom means:
Setting right what has been spoiled by the father.
If there is a son,
No blame rests upon the departed father.
Danger. In the end good fortune.

Nine in the second place means:
Setting right what has been spoiled by the mother.
One must not be too persevering.

Nine in the third place means:
Setting right what has been spoiled by the father.
There will be little remorse. No great blame.

Six in the fourth place means:
Tolerating what has been spoiled by the father.
In continuing one sees humiliation.

() Six in the fifth place means:
Setting right what has been spoiled by the father.
One meets with praise.

Nine at the top means:
He does not serve kings and princes,
Sets himself higher goals.

Previous: Sui, Following
Next: Lin, Approach

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