Romeo and Juliet as you've never seen it before!

Here's how it begins:


Good evening...

...and welcome to “Tales for the L33T.”

In today’s society of instant messaging, chatlines and mass-multiplayer online games, a new language is born.

Spoken by many, understood by few, “L33T” is a language in which numbers replace letters, brackets make sentences, and an asterik actually is a correction of an error.

With the coming of this new speech, children and adults alike have begun to slowly forget what English is.

Rather than try to combat this new language, I’ve decided to help the “L33T” understand some of English’s finest literature.

It seems only fair that L33Ts should be exposed to the same world we are exposed to.

William Shakespeare, a 17th century writer, presented the story of two people deeply in love with eachother to the point where no one could stop their love.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy...

The first real online-only movie with deeper meaning beyond inapropriate slapstick or tragic nonsense. At first, any easily available online movies became popular simply because they existed. Utter crap, or as some would say, outsider art, slipped into popular internet culture simply with brute force (where force equals availability). In the last year or so, huge numbers of internet-only Flash (as well as Quicktime) videos have become available with instantaneous availability. If a viewer of the video wants to pass along the video, she simply has to copy a URL to someone, whether via email or via instant messaging.

L33t H4x0r R0m30 4nd Jul13t is, essentially, the timeless story of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. For those who have been living in mud flaps all their lives, Romeo and Juliet is a love story involving lovebirds from feuding households, yadda yadda yadda, they get married on the side, yadda yadda yadda, long story short there's an ending involving blood and swords so I'm sure this same story plays out all over your village in Southern Iraq... Regardless, here in America we lose touch with basic prehistoric history, such as the time when there were knights and stuff and back when England like owned us or something. We have to play these classic tales over and over again to make sure we don't forget about stuff.

Playmakers throughout the centuries have replayed the story of Romeo and Juliet with drastic variations in costume, music, set designs. Moreover, the story has been also told in mediums other than plays, such as books, cartoons, songs, and even movies. Not only has the method for telling the story evolved over the years, but also the actual story-line itself. Directors often take liberties with a portion of the play, like a signature. The director's change is usually a subtle nuance, undetectable to the untrained eye. The director of this piece, however, takes a more visually abrupt detour at one point, leaving quite a visible signature. To his benefit, the brief signature interlude does not intrude on the story line and actually adds to the creative value of the piece.

You want creative? Ok, how about the fact that the entire thing is done in l33t sp34k. Yes, there is no sound other than the music, which makes for a fantastic soundtrack by the way. I forgot to mention: all but one character is nothing more than a stick figure. The simplicity of the drawings do not diminish its greatness one bit.

If that doesn't sell it, how about the fact that it has a star-warsesque introduction. Would you believe it can convert everyday household raisins into absolute power? Yes? Ok, then go watch it. 

Here is the golden treat, the URL live and in person:   ~*~

Ok, look, maybe I didn't explain it very well, but this actually a really cool experience, so go watch it now. The writeup sucks, yeah, but there's not much to say about it other than what I said. The actual thing is really cool. So go watch it now.

BishopRed1 says i didnt think it'd be funny but omfg.

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