The date: late April, 1989. The scene: B. Dalton store in Willowbrook Mall, my new job. MODERNANGEL, in skinny 80's retail clerk tie and clerkish black jeans; ANDY, part-time stock clerk and round-the-clock art queen, in crisp preppy attire; CUSTOMER, in cheap navy business-school suit complete with red power tie.
Customer (To ModernAngel): Hi, do you have any books on UNIX?
ModernAngel (quizzically): Eunuchs? Er, um, no, I don't think so; if you have a specific title in mind I could check stock...
Andy (taking charge): Our computer section is right over here, we should have something in the operating systems section...

UNIX? Eunuchs? This "unfortunate acronym" (to quote my museum curator/art queen associate) has been a source of personal merriment since I heard of it that fateful day. Forget the inherent inadvisability of Dr. Ruth's Sex for Dummies, who's the genius who thought it would be a good idea to name an operating system with a homophone for emasculation?

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