Little Sally Walker
Walking down the street
Didn't know what to do
So she jumped in front of me
singing, "Go, girl
do that thing
do that thing
do that thing
Go, girl
do that thing
do that thing," now STOP!
- The Blow
Now you can be one of the cool kids!
Okay. Here is how the game is played. First, gather in a group of 6 or more, preferably of mixed sex, but hey! I don't tell you how to live your life.
Now for the beat. It's a very oldies handclap, a:
DUM da-DUM (slight pause) DUM
Or, for you music notation nuts:
1 2 2½ 3 4
Ok, got it? So the group starts the handclap. Now one member of the group is selected as "Little Sally Walker" (henceforth noted as Sally.) While the group sings:
Little Sally Walker
Walking down the street
Didn't know what to do
So she jumped in front of me
Sally saunters around the group, picking out her victim (so to speak.) When the group reaches the
"Go, girl
do that thing..."
part of the song, Sally jumps in front of her victim and gets her freak on. (You know, for kids!) This lasts until the group says
now STOP!
At which time, Sally's selected freak-ee becomes the next Sally. This continues until everybody has been Sally, or until all groups have separated into separate orgies/makeout sessions/tea parties.
For the melody to the song, download The Blow's "Little Sally Tutorial" or just make one up. It's really more of a chant than a song.