To the winner*, the wieners.


- There is no death. The meeting of two expansions, or the expasion of two forms, can determine the supression of one of them; but, rigourously, there is no death, there is life, because the supression of one is universal principle and common. Hence the conservative and beneficial character of war. Suppose thou a field of potatos and two hungry tribes. The potatos are enough to feed one of the tribes that thus acquires forces to cross the mountain and go to the other hillside, where there are potatos in abundance; but, if the two tribes share in peace the potatos of the field, they don't get around to nourish themselves sufficiently and die of starvation. Peace in this case, is destruction; war is conservation. One of the tribes exterminates the other and gathers the loot. Hence the joy of victory, the hymns, acclaim, public rewards and all the further feats of the war actions. If war was not this, such demonstrations would not come to pass, for the real reason that men only commemorates and loves what to them is pleasant or advantageous, and for the rational reason that no person canonizes an action that virtually destroys her. To the beaten, anger or compassion; to the winner, the potatos.

- But what about the opinion of the exterminated?

- There is no exterminated. The phenomenon disappears; the substance is the same. Never saw water boil? Thou must remember that bubbles are made and unmade from the continuum, and everything remains in the same water. The individuals are these transitory bubbles.

- Quincas Borba AKA Philosopher or Dog?, Chapter VI

To which five may add: Cockroaches shall inherit the Earth.

* About 1885 this was a neglected potato field, and here Hugo de Vries discovered the mutant form of the Evening Primrose, on which he based his theory of evolution by mutation. Source:

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