Mine winders are used in mining of gold, platinum and other various mining activities. They are designed for mounting in both vertical and inclined mine shafts. They are used for convyance of hoisting vessels, carrying personnel, equipment and materials up and down the shafts. Mine winders are also used to inspect and repair shafts. They can also be used for both stationary and tunneling hoisting units. They are usually considered the most significant piece of equipment at an underground mine and failure of the the mine winder can lead to catastrophic results thus safety and maintance of mind winders are critical to the mines operation. When a mine is closed it is standard practice to disassemble and refurbish a mine winder for use in a new mine. Modern winders are now equipped with disc brakes rather than drums.

The types of mine winders include:
  • Single-Drum or Double-Drum Type with One Cylindrical Split Drum and Gear Drive
  • Single-Drum or Double-Drum Type with One Cylindrical Split Drum and Gearless Drive
  • Single-Drum Type with Gear Drive or Gearless Drive
  • Bicylindroconical Type with Split Drum and Gear Drive or Gearless Drive

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