When you think of things that are more than sight, people generally think of magic. Perhaps clairvoyance comes to mind; or maybe the future.

It's hard to explain things to someone who has no idea what you're talking about. How do you describe a rainbow to the blind? There is no sure way to make sure they understand. All you can do is try your best and hope they get it.

How do you explain to a 'normal' person something that is abnormal? Something thay they've never seen nor experienced. How do you explain to your best friend what it's like to see ultraviolet, or infrared, when he's only ever seen 'visible colors'? It's hard. I can tell you from personal experience. Seeing more than your eyes are meant to see is something that's been a part of my life since I was born. Remember: not everyone is as 'normal' as you are. To see more than your eyes can see is unnerving, once you realize that it's not normal. You can live your whole life with something, and be just fine with it, until someone tells you that it's not normal. From that day on, you'll be ashamed of it, be bothered by it, and feel like a freak just because you can do it, or have it.

Seeing ultraviolet. It's a strange concept to explain. I've only tried twice. This is my third attempt. It's reminiscent of normal light, yet it glows with its own energy. It's faintly blue, yet whiter than white. It clings to the sunlight, flows around skin and bone, and you can watch as it's absorbed into the ground. Can you see it? It's there. It's a light of its own, not light, not color, yet both at the same time. Like I said, it's hard to explain. It can be a faint shimmering as it's absorbed, or blindingly bright as it's radiated by the sun, or a lightbulb, or even reflected off your skin.

I always thought seeing it was normal. In school, when we learned of the visible light spectrum, I always assumed that it had blurred edges. That everyone could see infrared and ultraviolet, at least a little.

It's strange talking about it. I tried to tell one person, but she just didn't understand, no matter how hard I tried. Another person tried to understand, and he comes very close to doing so, but it's like trying to describe "green" to someone who only sees shades of grey.

Infrared is just as hard to explain. It's almost yellow, almost red, and almost white, all while being colorless. It's easier to see in the dark. Heat gives off more infrared "light" than cooler objects. It glows from within, rather than shimmering around something. Again, it's hard to explain.

Both are easier to see in the dark, just as green and yellow are easier to see than red and purple. The center of the spectrum is easiest to see, and the edges are easier to see in the absence of the colors that are more central than they are. Red is easiest to see in the absence of green, or yellow, or orange. You can still see it with the other colors there, but it's harder. It's harder to see non-light in the presence of color. On a white surface, it's easiest to see infrared or ultraviolet. The same goes for black. It's easiest in the dark.

No matter what you see, whether it's the heat a body gives off, or the light life itself produces, or just plain color, like everyone else, we're all on this Earth together. We have to live with eachother, despite our differences. No two of us are the same, and sometimes we can see the differences, and sometimes we can't... and sometimes the differences are in how we see.

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