American author and prophet (1861-1915). Born in Oswego, New York, he was the son of a Great Lakes ship captain and eagerly followed in his father's footsteps, joining the Merchant Marine Service and attaining the rank of First Mate. Later, he studied as a jeweler and opened a small shop in New York City, specializing in diamond setting. When his eyesight failed, he had to give up the jeweler's trade and faced dire financial straits. Knowing that Robertson had been a sailor, a newspaper reporter gave him a story Rudyard Kipling had written about the sea. Inspired, Robertson began writing and submitting short stories. Fourteen of his books were published between 1896 and 1915, and he made a respectable amount of money, though he was far from wealthy.

Robertson is best known for a book he wrote called "Futility." It concerned a mighty ocean liner called the Titan, proclaimed to be unsinkable, which struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic on a transatlantic voyage and sank with great loss of life because there were not enough lifeboats on board. The book was published in 1898 -- fourteen years before the Titanic sank.

Somewhat less known is another story Robertson wrote called "Beyond the Spectrum." It told the story of a futuristic war between the United States and Japan. The war started after Japan made a sneak attack on Hawaii in December and ended after the US dropped "sun bombs," capable of completely destroying a city, on Japan...

Primary research: Suppressed Transmission: The Second Broadcast by Kenneth Hite, "A Night to Embroider: Who Sank the Titanic?", p. 47.

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