A very successful British comedy show, that describes word-less comic situations in the life of a person known as Mr. Bean, played by the well known rubber-face comedian, Rowan Atkinson. The successful TV show helped to spawn a full length movie and an animated show, which can be visited at www.mrbean.co.uk.

Introduction (or: "Oh, no..." in a croaky, heavy British accent)

Although the character of Bean could be described as quite brilliant, he is clumsy and arrogant, sometimes obnoxious and self-satisfied. When he tries to solve a logistic problem, like he does in most of the episodes, he would often chose the most funny, wasteful, Macgyver-wannabe way of doing it. Whatever he does to solve a problem, Mr. Bean always finds a way that no normal person would even contemplate. He lives alone, only caring for a small teddy bear that he carries around with him everywhere. Bean is also very cheap, which causes him to bring himself unto many weird situations. There is a whole scene about him trying to fool the parking lot register, or trying to sneak into a place without paying.


  • Mr. Bean (January 1, 1990) - The original pilot episode, winner of the 1990 Golden Rose of Montreux. Mr. Bean and a kid with nausea on an airplane. Mr. Bean in an exam, for which he doesn't know the answer to a single question. Mr. Bean on the beach, where he is trying to change into swimming trunks without taking off his trousers. Mr. Bean in the church, where he desperately needs to stay awake.
  • The Return of Mr. Bean (November 5, 1990) - Mr. Bean accidently loses his charge card in someone's back pocket. Mr. Bean tries to secretly get rid of a meal in a restaurant. Mr. Bean meets the Queen of England in an unforgettable manner.
  • The Curse of Mr. Bean (December 30, 1990) - Mr. Bean is driving his Mini, totally oblivious of the effect his apalling driving is having on other road users. A little red three-wheeler again gets to see the world from another angle. During a visit to the Swiming pool, Mr. Bean loses his self respect...and his bathers. On the park bench, Mr. Bean displays more futile ingenuity when he tries to make a sandwich. Mr. Bean is convinced that a horror movie is his favourite form of entertainment. Until the movie begins.
  • Mr. Bean Goes to Town (October 15, 1991) - Mr. Bean fixes television reception problems. Mr. Bean tries to get his camera back from a thief. Mr. Bean is asked to help a magician in a club.
  • The Trouble with Mr. Bean (January 1, 1992) - Mr. Bean is late for a dental appointment, and gets dressed while driving his Mini car. Mr. Bean accidently injects anesthetic to the dentist and decides to preform the operation by himself. Mr. Bean visits a park, helps a boy repair a remote control unit for his boat, and has problems with a pesky fly.
  • Mr. Bean Rides Again (February 17, 1992) - Mr. Bean tries to revive a man who has collapsed at a bus stop, and then uses an ambulance to help start his car. He then has problems trying to post a letter after losing his last stamp. Packing to go on holiday, he comes up with some interesting ways of fitting things into a small suitcase. He then has problems in the train with a fellow passenger who disturbs his reading. Finally, he tries to entertain a boy who is feeling unwell in the plane.
  • Merry Christmas Mr. Bean (December 29, 1992) - Mr. Bean manages to sneakily get a free turkey and Christmas tree. The next day, his girlfriend comes over for turkey and is in for many surprises.
  • Mr. Bean in Room 426 (February 17, 1993) - Mr. Bean's in a vacation. He tries to make do when he desires a bath and his room is ill-equipped, much to his neighbour's surprise. After the bath, Mr. Bean takes his time going down the stairs to the buffet, where he eats more than his share. Later that night he has an unfortunate mishap when he is locked out of his room, rather unprepared.
  • Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean (January 10, 1994) - It's New Year Eve, and Mr. Bean invites two of his friends to his new year's eve party. Running low on food, Mr. Bean finds some new ways to make snacks and wines for his guests. The night after and it's New Year day. Mr. Bean has an eye on a recliner in the department store, and he will do anything to bring it home. Mr. Bean decides to do some home improvement to his flat.
  • Mind the Baby, Mr. Bean (May 25, 1994) - Mr. Bean visits a fair. Unfortunately, he accidentally ends up with a baby and tries to find the child's parents.
  • Back to School Mr. Bean (October 26, 1994) - Mr. Bean is taking some courses at an adult education center. He causes mayhem in the chemistry class. In art class he finds himself in an uncomfortable situation when a nude model comes in. In a karate class, Mr. Bean schools the teacher but has a bit of a problem when someone mistakenly takes his pants. Mr. Bean has a bit of car troubles after parking in the wrong spot.
  • Torvill and Bean (March 17, 1995)
  • Tee off Mr. Bean (September 20, 1995) - Mr. Bean playing mini-golf. He ends up hitting the ball all over town trying to get it back to the course (and scoring 3427 on the one hole in the process). Mr. Bean is doing his laundry, where he meets a martial-artist using the next machine, and manags to lose his pants in another customer's laundry, forcing him to wear a long skirt of hers temporarily.
  • Goodnight Mr. Bean (October 31, 1995) - Mr. Bean goes to the hospital, because his hand is stuck in a tea pot. There are many people waiting to see the doctor and Mr. Bean tries, unsuccessfully, to get ahead of everyone. Mr. Bean takes his camera around town to take some pictures, he dresses a royal guard up to his likings so he can take a picture with him. Mr. Bean has troubles going to sleep. He tries the good old sheep counting method, with a calculator.
  • Reflections of Mr. Bean
  • Hair by Mr. Bean of London - Mr Bean takes a trip to the hairdresser, where he impersonates the barber and manages to make a mess of other people's hair. He then makes his way over to the village fete, where he enters his teddy for a children's show, and manages to injure an audience of children. Mr Bean loses his train ticket at the station, and tries a number of methods to get past the ticket collector. Upon failure he accidently gets on a train to Moscow...in a mail bag.
/me watching TV.

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