If you find any nodes you think should be in this category, message the maintainer (or an editor) with your suggestion.

Maintained By: weroland

For the Documentation of Revelations and Relavations from the NodeGel
on that Most Primordial and Primeval day: Chaos 5.

They may or may not be Good, Great, Grand, or Wonderful items of Utmost Potency.
It matters That They Do not vanish into the Mists of Chaos.

Hail Eris - Hung Mung - Fnord

Perissóteres Ágies Iméres! Ligóteres diakopés!
Plures dies sancti! Minus festis!
Noch mehr heilige Tage! Weniger Feiertage!
Gèng duō shèng rì! Jiàqī shǎole!
More HolyDays! Less Holidays!

Big Goose Dummy says,
"I don't know! I don't know!"

aka Predict the Future Day in some circles.
Don't forget the whipped cream!

January 5, 1893

1 January 5, 2000   e2node
2 Dream Log: January 5, 2000   e2node
3 January 5, 2024   e2node