Today is going to be a good day. I love this time of year. The Autumn weather is settling in and the air is crisp and fresh. Everything seems sharp and clear to me. People complain of the cold, but it just makes me feel more alive!
I set off early in my car, 7am in the dawn. As the mist clears from my windows I can see the buildings of my town moving past me, mostly quiet and sleeping, the occasional early riser out and about. I'm on my way... to collect Franc my car-sharing friend.
Franc is waiting at the pick up point, a small road with lots of trees. He's in hat and gloves, but not moaning today. He gets in and we begin, the journey proper. Out of town and onto the open motorway. We're heading north!
Today I'm listening to music, trance played by Paul Oakenfold at a club in New York. It makes me feel cosmopolitan. As the music drives me, I drive my car and the miles seem to rush by. Usually we listen to the news and get stuck in traffic... so now I have to experiment some more.
Out here in the country the air is shimmering. We dip through a valley and descend into a flat layer of mist, spreading its fingers across the road. Seconds later we emerge triumphanty as we climb the other side.
To the right the sun is coming, soon it will be up. The sky ahead is piercing Autumn blue, pure and intense, reflecting my emotions. A few clouds hang there, dark in places, white in places, bright orange tinged edges. An artist's sky is a wonderful view. If I wasn't driving I'd be photographing. I make a mental snapshot.
I imagine the sun, creeping up towards the horizon starting its own journey to work. Suddenly the hill to my right is gone and there is the morning sun, his majesty, in all glory. The landscape lights up, the folds and creases in the land highlighted and emphasised by the probing rays. A layer of mist and dew sparkles over the fields like a protective
covering, soon to be removed for the day.
Now there are trees and the sun strobes in my face. I want to be in a club, dancing this music and sharing the experience with my friends. It's been too long. Time to leave the motorway and join the town where I work.
Near the end of my journey the road bends sharply and I head into the light. My face is illuminated, I am under interrogation my inner thoughts and feelings being observed. This lasts for two minutes, intense concentration to find my way ahead. Am I worthy? I pass the test and the road changes again. Soon I'll be at work.
I pull into a parking space, invigorated by the journey. Let's GO! We've made good time today and I thank the music! I'll be listening to more.
You see, when I drive my car, it moves me...