This month is turning into bad personal decisions month, I'm beginning to think all my friends are as broken as I am.

She's been seeing a married man for 9 months now. I tried to discourage at the start, she's someone who is easily hurt, and at least once a week I would get a phone call when he hadn't telephoned as planned. Her own marriage died when she had an affair, so perhaps thinking about others is not her forte.

She rings last night, after 3 months of silence (I guess she didn't need a shoulder during that time). She explains she has moved in with him and says she's very happy, and aren't I happy for her?

So, being my brutal honest self, I reply "No I'm not. You have destroyed a family, you have broken a marriage, you have taken a full time father away from children. You expect me to be happy for you? Are you proud of what you did?"


I guess I'll hear from her next when it all goes wrong, and she needs a shoulder again.

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