Near Matches
Ignore Exact
My tongue, every atom of my blood, form'd from this soil, this air,
Fri Jul 28 2000 at 0:43:23
Ray was a
friend of a friend
and we had never really met. He sent
such good letters
. Pages of typewritten henpeck, I felt honored by the effort and wheedled the old green
out of my grandmother.
Ray lived in Pennsylvania and owned a goat. I wondered whether we had ever breathed a common molecule of air or swallowed a common drop of water, cycled and traveled across the country to where the other one lived. Years later a professor would ask me if I knew the odds on whether I had ever breathed an air molecule that had cycled through
Caesar's lungs
. He said there were no odds, that it was certain,
mathematically, I must have.
I was not impressed I was disappointed. It wasn't so unusual after all,
we had shared nothing rare.
I tried to look at it in a more holistic light, the "we are all one" thing
but I am by nature miserly and jealous
and I didn't want to share with everyone, I wanted to pick and choose.
I will show you fear in a handful of dust
I must have three heads
The fire in the sky, the fire in your hand, the sad songs without bodies, surrounding us like ghosts
A Letter from the Powers of the Universe Concerning Love and Other Such Things
My memories are spoken in the poetry of recoil, my sperm is oddly bullet-shaped
Why it's good to be on top of Kmart hill
Of course we had it tough
The Ballad of a Tongueless Girl
Once upon a time there was an ocean but now there is a mountain range.
Blue blood
we had shared nothing rare
First the music, then the fire
the fierce urgency of now
we must look at the entire picture
the art of unseeing
The music in my head is too loud to think about anything but you
It is difficult to get the news from poems, yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there
Synthetic blood substitute
The world is warm and likes having us in it
Makeup for the Evil Overlords
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