With the re-release of the original Star Wars Trilogy in 1997 Kenner released a new line of Star Wars figures Dubed "Power of the Force" this made every guy like me (who had mutilated his originals in the backyard sandbox) glad as I could have new 4" replicas of all my favorite characters. This line keeps expanding, especially now that the Phantom Menace has been out and we see all of those cute characters in plastic and rubber. New Star Wars Figures Index

What a pity that all the figurines seem to have been injecting tennis balls (or steroids...you pick) into their muscles.

Honestly, now. What's the deal here? The whole visual ethos of the Star Wars movies was about lean, wily characters; men and women strong of sinew and quick of mind who dealt out justice with their wits and weapons, not their fists. These new figures all look like as if they've been spending too much time with the Nautilus machines instead of honing their mastery of the Force.

Ridiculous and grossly non- representational of the svelte and handsome actors/actresses, these toys will only bring their owners crushing shame and ostracism as previous generations mock and taunt poseurs with our "old school" AT-ATs, Ewok Villages, and trim posable figures (with special boot holes for placement in playset scenes).

Wish you could have figures that don't look like steroid abusers? Check out antique stores (seriously) and ask if they have a toy section. Many of my (much younger) brother's Star Wars figures, vehicles and even Ewok Village came from such venues.

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