Nigel Pasta

My friend Nigel, as those of you who know him will attest to, is not famous for his culinary prowess. He is the sort of man given to meals that require no more than 15 minutes to prepare, and are often consumed in a third of that time, while standing over the kitchen sink.

On the one occasion, that I had the opportunity to be Nigel's house-guest, he was gracious enough to prepare for me, the crowning glory of his culinary repertoire. It truly is a simple and marvelous dish that has now become a staple in my family; so much so, that the recipe is now passed on, under the illustrious title of "Nigel Pasta".

What makes this simple dish so compelling, is that it is quick, nutritious and delightfully satisfying. Do message me when you try it, and I'll be sure to pass the word onto Nigel.


  • Pasta: I prefer Angel Hair, but Spaghetti, Farfalle, Penne, Rigatoni also seem to work just as well.
  • Pesto: You might have to try out a few different brands before finding the one that works best for you.
  • Arugula: This is one of the key ingredients in Nigel pasta, although Mache can be used as a substitute.
  • Cherry or Grape Tomatoes
  • Avocado, cubed
  • Capers: I highly recommend them, but they are certainly optional.
  • Sweet bell-peppers: Optional

The How-to

It's as easy as they come. Boil water, add pasta. When it's cooked, mix with pesto. Add arugula to the pot in which you cooked pasta, and add the pasta on top. The remaining heat from the pot(even though it is no longer on the stove) and the pasta will wilt the arugula and help bring out it's flavor. Add cherry tomatoes, avocado cubes, capers, and sliced sweet bell peppers. Congratulations! You have just prepared the now-world-famous Nigel pasta!

Note: I've heard it said that it tastes just as good by any other name, but this is not a theory I've tested yet, so I highly recommend the usage of the title "Nigel pasta", until further experiments have been carried out.

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